    Frank Groffie, PG, CEG                  Geology consulting                      Clarity, communication, closure.                             Contact us
  Fault investigation
  Landslide investigation
  Rock-slope analysis
  Seismic hazard analysis
  Site characterization
  General geosupport

Fault investigation

 California is laced with active earthquake faults. Especially the coastal urban areas, like San Francisco, San
 Jose, Los Angeles, and San Diego.
Faults and their zones come with issues: Is a shear seen in a trench really
 active? Or is it inactive, more than 10,000 years old? Or is it due to slope movement or shrink-swell? Or is it just
 one of the millions of random dormant shears from all the tectonism California rock has been subjected to for
 tens of millions of years? How close may you build to such a shear?

 Frank Groffie is experienced and confident addressing such issues and has been responsible for at least 25
 fault investigations in central California.

San Jose foothillsEast SJ site
 The owners of this luxury residence in the east San Jose foot-
 hills are adding on to better enjoy their sweeping views of the
 Santa Clara Valley.

 Our investigation included a 230-ft-long trench to “clear” the
 site regarding the potential presence of the Crosley fault. We
 also advised the owner on the issue of slope stability. Under-
 lying materials are basalt and serpentinite, and we also advised
 on the issue of naturally occurring asbestos within serpentinite.

Hayward fault investigations
 Groffie1 has addressed issues of active faulting along the Hayward fault at several locations in the East Bay
 hills, San Francisco Bay Area. Interesting geology, including inactive subduction-zone shearing, and compli-
 cations imposed by former rock quarry activities meant that highly skilled geologic analysis was needed. Even
 under these challenges, we were able to clarify the fault questions and gain closure on the issue of appro-
 priate setbacks from active fault traces.
   East bay hills
                        Former rock quarry                Former rock quarry                                    Former rock quarry

Calaveras fault investigations
The active Calaveras fault runs from about Alamo to down around Hollister, passing through Contra Costa,
 Alameda, Santa Clara, and San Benito Counties. Our investigations of this fault zone have involved over 1,000
 feet of trenches.
In most instances, our goal is to “clear” locations for future residential developments. In one
 instance, our goal was to pinpoint and directly observe the fault location, which we succeeded in doing. Fault
 setback zones
and other areas typically become dedicated open space. At several sites, Groffie1 developed his
despite the complication of landslide issues.

 We placed one of our trenches next to an older trench by other geologists, in which they logged an active
“fault trace” and recommended setbacks. Groffies1 reexamination showed that this feature instead was pro-
 duced by minor random shrink-swell shearing (benign) of expansive claystone in Monterey Group bedrock.

  Calaveras faultCalaveras
                    faultFault map from USGS

1. While employed at Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants, client legal relationship with that firm. Relevant technical documents on file as
    public record with applicable public agencies.
Frank Groffie, PG, CEG, MSc,
is Professional Geologist 4930 and Certified Engineering Geologist 1539,
in good standing since initiation in 1989,
with the State of California
Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists

Web page last modified June 10, 2012.