    Frank Groffie, PG, CEG                  Geology consulting                      Clarity, communication, closure.                             Contact us
  Fault investigation
  Landslide investigation
  Rock-slope analysis
  Seismic hazard analysis
  Site characterization
  General geosupport

About us

Who we are, what weve done, what we do
 Frank Groffie is a California geologist with 20+ years of experience helping to develop residential, commercial,
 and public properties. He’s provided a broad range of geology services on a wide range of projects: localized,
 small, medium, large, and national.    

Settlement and
drainage issues
under one part of a
house or lot.

Single-family homesites
with typical site
development issues.

Facilities and multiunit
developments with multiple
issues, such as slope
stability and faulting.
Sites spanning several
square miles with
multiple complex,
interdependent issues,
including EIR processing.
Selecting sites and
technologies for
nuclear waste
treatment and
water tank siteBay Area
              hillside site

 Most of Groffie
s experience is in the geology of central California, ranging north to Mendocino County, east to
 Merced County, and south to Monterey County, a radius of about 150 miles from an office base in San Jose.
 Geologic issues in this area may be more varied and complex than anywhere else: earthquake shaking hazards,
 surface fault rupture zones, slope instability, naturally occurring asbestos, erosion, unusual soil, rock, and
 groundwater conditions, and more.

 View our other pages for a further sampling of geologic conditions and sites weve successfully addressed.

We strive for clarity, communication, and closure when delivering our services.
  • Clarity: getting the critical geology right, using laserlike focus.
  • Communication: clear talk at every step, with clients regarding their expectations and with associates regarding what we need from each other, and then rapid preparation of a clear report.
  • Closure: gaining timely agreement from reviewers and other stakeholders, so your geology report becomes merely a formality.
 Groffies associates include engineers, rock and soil scientists, exploration subcontractors, and various clients.
 Currently he consults for property owners and civil and structural engineers; past clients he
s worked with have
 included several major developers and public agencies.

  Contact us
 Invite us to bring our expertise to your project and make it successful, no matter how small or large.

                 1659 North Capitol Avenue #279                               
                 San Jose CA 95132                                                           1-408-314-8237
Frank Groffie, PG, CEG, MSc,
is Professional Geologist 4930 and Certified Engineering Geologist 1539,
in good standing since initiation in 1989,
with the State of California
Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists

Web page last modified June 10, 2012.