    Frank Groffie, PG, CEG                  Geology consulting                      Clarity, communication, closure.                             Contact us
  Fault investigation
  Landslide investigation
  Rock-slope analysis
  Seismic hazard analysis
  Site characterization
  General geosupport

Landslide investigation

Landslides come in numerous types and sizes, from a few cubic yards to 0.2 cubic mile. Some are young and
 obvious; some are quite ancient and hard to spot. Some are yet to occur: in the future. We’ve dealt with the
 whole range. Issues include whether you should rebuild the ground, build a structural fix, avoid the landslide,
 divert it, monitor it, or build catchment facilities to protect downslope improvements. These issues require
 delicate evaluation. Mitigations sometimes involving high potential costs. Some examples of our work are
 shown below.

 Debris flow predictionDebris flow prediction
 This small valley lies northeast of San Francisco. The valley
 floor has been proposed as the site of numerous residential
 units, recreation, and open space. Landsliding and shallow
 groundwater were among the issues we investigated.

 Although there were no surface signs of debris-flow
 deposits, Frank Groffie felt debris flows were another
 important issue and initiated a program of analysis. Groffie1
 analyzed 25 hillside channels and slopes where potential
 debris flows might impact the future valley-floor develop-
 ment. He used geologic evidence of ancient debris flows
 seen in test pits, laboratory testing, geomorphology, and
 published literature to discriminate between zones with and
 without debris-flow potential. He recommended deflection
 berms/walls and other minor development modifications at 3 locations where he predicted future
debris flows.
                  debris flow
 The following December (2005), storms dropped 16.7 inches of rain at the
 closest measurement station. That local 1-month rainfall amount was the
 largest recorded since 1950, when local recordkeeping began. When the
 skies cleared, Groffie visited the site and saw that his debris-flow predic-
 tions were 100% accurate: At the exact 3 locations where debris flows
 were predicted, minor debris flows occurred. And at all 22 locations (and
 everywhere else) where he predicted they would not occur, none did

Large-scale landslide investigation
 Landslide hazard evaluation can include documenting whether or not an existing landslide is present. At one
 site we investigated, s
ome geologists, published and otherwise, perceived large-scale landsliding on the site.
 Others, including Groffie,1 did not. We based our conclusion (correct) on findings from deep drilled cores, test
 pits, other techniques, and intense application of advanced geologic analysis. Investigation also included a
 special technique called downhole logging, in which we geologists descend into a vertical drillhole about 110
 feet below ground.

Landslide investigation can also include understanding the landslide deposits that are already, obviously pre-
 sent, even when they initially flowed 35,000 years ago and may be hard for some to spot.
We have used
 trenches and aerial photos to carefully delineate the head margins and toe margins of such landslides. Trenches
 have allowed us to directly expose their actual margins and locate them with accuracy. On one large site, drill
 cores penetrated the landslide bases at depths of some 200 feet, and showed zones where a jumble of landslide
 material flowed over an undisturbed buried ground surface complete with plant fragments and soil. Groffie also
 directed instrumentation (inclinometers and piezometers) and age dating of landslide deposits.

   landslide investigationLandslide
                  investigation2005 La
                  Conchita landslide, by USGS2

 1. As employee of Berlogar Geotechnical Consultants, client legal relationship with that firm. Relevant technical documents on file
     as public record with applicable public agencies.
 2. Image on the right is of the 2005 La Conchita landslide, by U.S. Geological Survey,
Frank Groffie, PG, CEG, MSc,
is Professional Geologist 4930 and Certified Engineering Geologist 1539,
in good standing since initiation in 1989,
with the State of California
Board of Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists

Web page last modified October 27, 2012.